
Light poem by Tej Sharma

Page history last edited by Tej Sharma 9 years, 3 months ago


The Dark Sun


Powerless in the night, but omnipotent by day,

Shining over the Universe, ray by ray.

Omnipresent when we want it nowhere when we don’t,

Shines bright when we just won’t

To divert eyes from sadness

The ultimate key to life

Cutting through stubborn clouds like a sharp knife.

Would seem benevolent, but today, malevolent.

He looked up to admire the light

But the Sun just wasn’t feeling right.

Didn’t wait a single moment to become

So, so potent…


And his world turned dark.


Tried to see the situation in another friend’s eyes

But couldn’t even see the beer he was drinking with the guys.

He was jealous that his friends were in a better position

So he became full of a wrong, wrong ambition.

And simply because he didn’t want to be alone in his pain

He decided never to see light again.


By Tej Sharma

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