The Cave

The Cave


The ascent up the mountain was astonishingly tough,

I had already, had more than enough,

of the crumbling trail, and the rope that was too rough,

as I journeyed towards the Cave...


I finally reached the abandoned town,

where all the trees had been blown down,

I travelled onward, without making a sound,

As I journeyed towards the Cave...


Coming up ahead, was a gloomy cave,

myself, I desperately tried to save,

and I dodged the tumbling, rocky waves,

as I journeyed towards the Cave...


A deadly beast, towered over me,

Its powerful wings, I could clearly see,

and as it pulled me in, my death, it would be,

as I was ripped apart, limb by limb, by this horrifying creature, this monster from Hell, inside the cave!