
Barrow Hills School

Page history last edited by Jacqueline Reed 7 years, 3 months ago

Finding Freedom


Freedom shimmers in one’s eyes.

But for me this dark room looms over me.

I know that freedom waits for me somewhere.

I just can't find it.

There is no light in this room.

But freedom will save me. I know it will.

These soldiers will tire out soon. I will feel free.


A knock and a scream and I know that now,

Freedom dies down further than ever,

And my heart yearns for freedom once again.

I see the horror of people screaming,

Lying about their names to find freedom.


Someday the angel of freedom will take me away from the pain.

My hands would grasp the hand of freedom,

And I would forget the pain of this ghastly camp.

Then the guards push my weak body outside.

I inhale the fresh air,

And freedom may seem far, but it's always very close.

By Fraser Reed, aged 10



The Clock Master


The Clock Master ticks with a terrible hand,

And his apprentices follow seconds behind.

The two others wait in line,

And at the chime, one of each will surely be in front,

In a tick.

And now the Master ticks and tocks,

For all he sees is his long awaited box.

And he is shipped back to the workshop, where time began.

Will he be used no more?

But life for the Master is not finished yet,

For here his time could be reset.

By Fraser Reed, aged 10



Comments (1)

Michael Hughes said

at 10:55 pm on Nov 10, 2017

Two fine additions to the site; well done Fraser.

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