If I Were Lord

If I Were Lord


If I were lord of a planet, so very far away,

I'd have a farm of animals, not just to be slain,

but to be treated kindly, well loved, and always fed,

and from each generation, a new group would be bred.


I'd have a sprawling empire, its cities bold and strong.

Their leaders would all be righteous, and they'd never be wrong.

Each flourishing city would thrive, and the people, full of joy,

and there'd be many, many shops, selling all, from clothes to toys.


I'd have an underground network, equipped with food and drink,

and in it, would be lots of mines, digging metals as rare as zinc.

Also there'd be tons of cells, for misbehaving men,

and a whole new block of them, for criminal women.


I'd have camps of barbarians, dotted around the globe,

but I'd also have a fearless army, that I'd lead, in a royal robe.

My army would conquer the enemy tribes, and victorious, I would be.

Me leading my men to victory, would be a regular sight to see.


I'd have the knowledge of a god, so I could solve any mystery,

and I'd also have a wonderful memory, so I could get top marks in history.

My people would look up to me, they'd see me as their king,

and be it the tongue of man or beast, I could speak anything.


I'd have one special village, that I could call my own.

It'd have a giant library, which would be a quiet zone,

and many different sports arenas, and a private park,

 for it'd be in this grand area, that I'd make my biggest mark.


If I were lord of this planet, which is so very far away...

 Then I'd be happy!