Adam Jones

I am in 2nd Form (Year 8)


Hi. I am called Adam. You can call me Adam...


My Poems:


Haiku about Alive Poets

Mr Hughes Started it,

The amazing club of poems,

Creative members


Crushed on the tube (Written on the tube)

Crushed on the tube,

Packed like a tin of sardines,

Waiting for your stop.


Writers Block (I wrote this when I had overcome it)

Ideas in my head.

I have none at the moment.

I have writers block.


A piece of cake (I just ate it - I get my inspiration from weird things)

Entering the mouth

Killed by these giant white shards

Nothing more than crumbs


A sticky keyboard in the Library (There is one - especially the spacebar)

A stiff, sticky keyboard

Lying in the library

All alone with just one blue light

Nothing to keep company at night


A new leaf

As the shades of green turn to orange

As the club says goodbye

As you spread the love of poetry

To more and more people


Like turning over a new leaf

Starting a new sheet of paper

As new words are written

Poetry Begins


Pen is put to paper

And suddenly the world around you changed

As poetry holds your attention

As you experience another world



Other stuff I have made:


The Alive Poets logo.


Version File Format Improvements Description
.docx N/A Initial release, brown leaves style
1.1  .png PNG V1 in PNG 
2 .png Redone, more stylish, no grid Dented Yellow/Green style 
.png Old version looked like sick coloured Sticker type logo with shadow in png form for main page, with perspective 
3.1  .png Shadow was cut off Shadow improved, file dimensions & quality increased.
3.2 .png Jagged in bottom left corner Fixed the jagged bit in the bottom left
3.3 .png No 'Society' Made text 'Alive Poets Society', society in orange


Monthly Challenge

Can be found here